February 12, 2012

Sunday Morning

Normally, at some ungodly hour, I trundle up to the swimming pool and put in 90 lengths.  It burns just over 1,000 calories and sets me up for the day.  This morning Andrew suggested we shake it up a bit.  As a consequence, me and the dog (who was helping), spent an hour dripping sweat in the bedroom.  I'm hoping that the current shaky state of my muscles proves that the workout Andrew devised for me has been significantly more work than my usual swim.  We are thinking that doing something like this a couple of times a week may be the answer to my plateauing.

In other news, its been quite a significant week for our family.  In much the same way we prepared Emma for walking to secondary school but letting her walk home in Year 6, this week we left Emma home alone for 5 days.  Now my sister cooked her tea and she was at school all week, so it wasn't as big a worry as it could have been, but Emma coped very well with the dog and an empty house.  Oh yes and no evidence of a party.

Then this weekend we moved Emma's PC from the corner of the dining room to her bedroom.  This was a big step, as it means she now has completely unsupervised access to the internet, but at 15 and a half  its time she had her own space and privacy.  She seems to have embraced the change and its nice to hear muffled music from her bedroom.

I am working away on my Rams and Yowes blanket.   I'm 5 rows off half way through the main body.  Its looking lovely.  Time to get back to it, i think.

February 11, 2012

New year, old blog

I was reminded that I used to have a blog here.  I used to write long, involved, nauseatingly smug posts, then delete them.  I also had a Live Journal, which was very much friends only.  My posts there were as nauseatingly smug.  I spent a lot of my time writing about the tiny details of my life then obsessively clicking F5 to see if anyone had commented.  We moved from LJ to IRC (or was it the other way around), then most people I knew on-line caught the WoW bug and moved over there.  My need to tell people what I was up to moved to Facebook, then I could do it even more succinctly on Twitter.

I still keep up with all the sites, as there are stragglers on all of them and I really don't want to lose touch with any of them.  So as a consequence I have a number of tabs permanently open in my browser, including LJ, Google Reader, Ravelry, Facebook and Twitter.  I cycle through each site, sometimes updating Facebook, sometime Twitter.

So the point is, well, there isn't one really.  I want a place where I can show off my knitted and sewn projects to people other than my Ravelry friends.  I would like somewhere I can express the odd opinion in more than 140 words, and to maybe talk about the books I am reading.  I could re utilise my LiveJournal, but the whole expectation of comments means that's not as cathartic as it could be.

I'm not expecting a huge following, and I probably won't post personal mummy stuff, more to save my daughter's blushes than anything else, but I hope you enjoy looking at my work.